Join us on April 9th at 12pm in Nubian Square for a screening of the documentary "This Ain't Normal" and a panel discussion featuring the makers of the film, members of our leadership team, and Coalition partners. Registration is required - please register here.
As we look ahead to summer, a time when we know rates of violence increase, we feel the urgency of taking action. But our actions should not come without reflection, listening, and learning. “This Ain’t Normal” allows us to learn directly from youth most impacted by violence, and the front line workers who show up day in and day out for them. The film challenges us to look past the labels assigned to these youth, hear their stories, and change our own narratives and assumptions. The panel discussion will focus on what the film teaches us about root causes of violence, and the policy changes that will make lasting change. If we are to move the needle on gun violence, we must ensure that youth - ALL youth - have the resources they need to be safe and well in the world. Join us for a critical conversation on how we can come together in community to make that a reality.
Learn more about the creators of the film, Kreateabuzz Documentary Films at the link.