Vision & Mission

The Massachusetts Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence envisions a world where every one of us, in every zip code, lives free from the threat of gun violence.
Our Mission: The Massachusetts Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence brings together impacted communities, advocates, public health experts and policy-makers to prevent gun violence in all its forms. Because we recognize that gun violence is a public health emergency exacerbated by economic disparity and systemic racism, we address those root causes through education, policy analysis, trauma informed advocacy, and by amplifying the voices of impacted individuals and communities.
Our Approach: Directed by survivors and member organizations, we seek to strengthen legislation, gun safety practices, research, and funding for community based solutions to create a Commonwealth that is free from gun violence. The Coalition engages in this work through four main avenues:
Education - We educate legislators, decision-makers, and the general public about the complexities of gun violence, centering research, data, and community based solutions. The goal of this education is to promote an understanding of root causes and how gun violence intersects with other complex public health and safety issues.
Advocacy - We hold legislators, decision-makers, and systems accountable for keeping the residents of Massachusetts safe from gun violence. We ensure that our advocacy efforts are informed and led by survivors, impacted communities, and our member organizations. We engage in detailed policy analysis, advocating for legislative and budget priorities that address root causes of violence and anti-racist system change.
Community Organizing - We build collective power and unity through mobilizing communities to take meaningful action to end gun violence. We train and support youth to develop their advocacy skills and civic engagement.
Member Support - Member organizations are involved in all aspects of decision-making and opportunities are created for them to engage directly in advocating for the needs of the communities they serve. Each member organization’s history, leadership, and legacy of working towards change is honored and uplifted. The Coalition shows up publicly and consistently to support and learn from the work of member organizations and their communities. We work to create one unified voice agitating for meaningful and lasting change.