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You're invited to the Coalition's Fall Mixer!

Join us for an evening of community-building as we celebrate the passage of An Act Modernizing Firearms, MA's most comprehensive gun violence prevention bill in 10 years. For the past two legislative sessions, the Coalition has advocated tirelessly for this bill, and our Coalition community made it all possible. Join us for a night of community and celebration as we give thanks for the supporters who make our work possible.

If you have friends who are interested in gun violence prevention, please bring them along to learn more about our work and mingle with others who care about building a safer Massachusetts.

When: Tuesday, Oct 8th at 6pm

Where: Long Live Roxbury, 152 Hampden St, Boston

A $50 entry donation is suggested, but not required. If you are unable to attend but still wish donate, we would be very grateful for your support.


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