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Action Alert: Crime Gun Data Analysis bill

One of our legislative priorities, H.2437/S.1562, An Act relative to crime gun data reporting and analysis, sponsored by Rep. Decker and Sen. Creem, was heard before the Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security on Tuesday, 11/16 at 11AM. See our fact sheet on the bill here.

Massachusetts' 2014 gun reform legislation required that data be collected on guns recovered in connection with a crime to better understand how guns are getting into communities. This bill would require that the data that has already been collected finally be analyzed so that MA can continue improving upon our evidence-based gun violence prevention strategies.

Here's what you can do:

  • Submit written testimony to the Committee by emailing

  • Sign up to deliver oral testimony at the hearing on Tuesday by emailing

  • Contact your legislators and urge them to support H.2437/S.1562. Sample language included below. Find your legislator here.

Dear Senator/Representative,

2020 was a year of record-breaking gun violence in the Commonwealth. Please support H.2437/S.1562, An Act relative to crime gun data reporting and analysis, which would require that data that is already being collected on guns recovered in connection with a crime be analyzed so that we can better understand how guns are getting into our communities. This bill will ensure that Massachusetts remains a leader in evidence-based gun violence prevention strategies.


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