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Neo-Nazi case in Beverly underscores the intersection of gun violence and hate

Last week, a man was arrested in Beverly, MA for making anti-semitic threats on the online forum 4chan. He bragged about having a large stockpile of firearms and encouraged others to use firearms to rape and kill Jewish women and attack synagogues. After his arrest, police found a ghost gun in his possession, along with ammunition, large capacity magazines, and component parts for multiple AR-15s.

This story underscores why we must recognize and address the intersection of gun violence and hate in this country. Easy access to guns makes hate more dangerous and more deadly.

This story also demonstrates that ghost guns are a significant issue here in Massachusetts and that they must be fully regulated. The Coalition and our partners fought hard to get ghost gun regulation included in the new comprehensive gun safety law. This law now prohibits the sale of ghost gun kits in MA, and requires that all guns have a serial number for tracing. These policies will save lives and prevent people motivated by hate from accessing ghost guns in MA. It's one more reason why the Coalition is fighting to protect this law and why we all must do everything in our power to stop its repeal.


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